Hello, My Fellow Retro Kitchen Lovers!
Autumn is here! And I just love the color and magic in the air!
I am a Halloween lover, too! So...it really is a great time of year to be in my retro kitchen brewing up some tasty treats.
Today, thanks to my dear Eudaemonius, I have two retro recipes for banana bread.
A wonderful treat all year but made special by a few additions....as always....without the script!
I use both recipes BUT....use less processed sugar!! The riper the banana, the more natural sweetness will be in your bread. So let the bananas get very ripe before you bake the bread. I use about two tablespoons of sugar...it will be fine...try it!!
Also I do add a dash of maple syrup to give a burst of Autumnal Magic!
Plus a half of a cup of juicy raisins and a half of a cup of a chopped cooking apple.
This extra cup of flavor also adds delightful moisture. No dry bread here!!! The bread will be packed with goodness and perfect for a quick breakfast treat!

Enjoy....and let's get cooking!!!!!!
Write to me with your ideas!!!
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