This blog is just a way for me to share my love for cooking with you and also share ways to "go off script" with recipes you find in cookbooks or on the net.
I cook in a mainly vegetarian style but do use fish. My recipes often come from the "meat world" and I adapt them, fiddle them....heck...butcher them into submission:-)
I must thank the wonderful Eudaemonius on Flickr for sharing SO many fine retro recipes from his vast and inspiring collection. I shall use many of his great recipes here...and I know that will be fun!! I shall credit him each time I use one of his....and it will be often!!!
And also I must add that I will be sharing ways to enjoy and explore the JML Star Chef Deluxe.
The Star Chef Deluxe came into our home rather by accident. We saw the TV presentation...I thought...mmm...nice but do I need that? A week later we found a local retailer selling off a few at a low price....and we gave in.
The Star Chef was placed in the kitchen and I set to work. I learned how to use it in just a few early attempts. But the 40 recipes in the little free book were only a starter. I thought there must be more online.
Wrong!!! No other cookbooks to order.

So....I shall present my recipes using the JML Star Chef Deluxe and hope others drop in who own this rather amazing kitchen appliance. If you have one...great...if can "fiddle" the recipes to use more conventional methods can buy one as a treat!! You will not regret it!!

First up....Tuna-Rice Casserole
I found this great retro recipe online as part of Neato Coolville's Flickr collection.
Now....the first big change I made was the eggs.
I did not fancy having the hard-cooked eggs in this dish. I felt it had enough protein with the tuna. Also I used 2 standard size tins of tuna instead of 1.
The tuna was yellowfin and looked very nice.
I began by cooking the onions and peppers in the Star Chef Deluxe using the "vegetable fry" mode set to 10 minutes. I increased the amount of onions and peppers to 1/2 cup each.
I also added a 1/2 cup of sweet corn I had leftover from another meal as well.
The recipe then moved along as directed but I did not need to do layers. The rice was cooked in the microwave and folded into the sauce with the tuna.
The Star Chef was then set to "soup-stew" mode. The timer is always 1 hour for this setting but after about 15 minutes I pressed "stop". The casserole was heated completely through and ready to serve.
This delicious dish was served with homemade coleslaw and hot mixed vegetables.
Enjoy....Write Me....Keep Cooking!!!!
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